Gift Giving

The Three-fold Gift

The Importance of Giving BELIEF, SUPPORT, and ENCOURAGEMENT!!!!

Being honest with ourselves once again is no easy matter, but let’s go there: This time, I refer to giving three gifts instead of one. Would we not agree that three gifts can comprise the perfect package, with three is the perfect number? More so, people have stated repeatedly that three is the perfect number to signify the completion of something. Perhaps you’ve heard the well - noted expression, “The third time’s the charm”? There’s some truth to all this, friend…..

Personal Growth

Get fit and feel great!!!!

8 ‘more rare’ types of exercise you can do to ‘power your body’ and give the gift of good health to yourself, all year long!!!      


1. Engage the martial arts.           

Ever seen a movie with Jean Claude Van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, or Jet Li and not been blown away entirely by their mad skill, wishing you could carry out the same motions in real life and look just as amazing? Well, these more secretive sports hold the secret. Kung fu, karate, tai chi, wing chun, taekwondo, or something else entirely ---- you have many options to choose from!        


2. “PrayFit” with your hands and arms extended upwards.

Try the famous PrayFit challenge today. It will push you to grow both physically and spiritually, a program made for those with the faith to dare for the impossible! Find out more here.


3. Make all your regular motions under the water.

Try some squats, jumps, runs, stomps, punches or kicks. But do it all UNDERWATER. Challenge your regular fitness routine by taking it to a place where it’s further tested by less oxygen, more gravity, and reduced vision.     


4. Try a “hobby sport” as your regular exercise routine.  

Take golf or bowling, for instance, two wonderful sports that people don’t regularly think of when planning their fitness routines. Be unique in this approach. Bowl or golf every day, for instance, and give your mind and body a break from all that running and weight lifting you usually do.


5. Walk around the house with extra weights or clothes on.

Try exercising with something less than ideal or less than comfortable on your body. This’ll challenge you. But, of course, don’t overdo it. Begin with what you’re comfortable with and can endure, for a start….


6. Turn on the heater and practice yoga right in front of it.

Let your body sweat from two sources at once: an uncomfortably held posture and intense indoor heat.   


7. Talk or laugh NON-STOP for an hour straight.

You’ve heard it said before ---- when you laugh or talk, you burn calories, and even more so when you scream or yell, of course. How do you think those boot camp drill sergeants keep their physique? And when positive thoughts power your words, and even your deepest belly laughs, great things happen for your health ---- try this if you want to lose weight, too, and you may see some results sooner than you expect. Laughter and mirth are two of the body’s natural healers, and so is verbal expression, as in “talking things out”!!!!        


8. Exercise those facial muscles, the neck, the toes, and those many other parts so often disregarded through “traditional exercise”.   

Mix it up: Don’t just workout those parts that everyone tends to give the most attention to, like the biceps, triceps, arms, forearms, abs, back, legs, shoulders, etc. Try to strengthen those smaller, more distinguished and hidden parts, for once, such as the feet and toes. Or how about the eyebrows and the face? These, for instance, you can do by making crazy faces in the mirror and holding them in position for a couple minutes at a time --- you’ll be surprised at how much this can strengthen the bones in your face, not to mention your resistance against a punch taken there!      


Final Thoughts on All This: Don’t Stress; Pray Instead; Give from the Heart; Love Unconditionally; Forgive, and Be So Much More in This Life…                         

So consider our proven advice the next time you find yourself in a state of crisis. And remember to look up: The Good Lord has an answer for everything. So worry about nothing, and pray about everything; you will find that perfect solution to meet your present need head on! Believe it, and you’ll receive it. All good things do come in time, and from the Father above, the true Giver of all good things everywhere, the source from which every great blessing first finds its origins….

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Daily Life

Increased tension with your office co-workers only ADDING to your anxiety or depression symptoms? Then you need to read this....

No single mortal human being who has ever graced the earth has ever been without a slight share of internal frustrations. It’s just nature. Call it bad luck. Call it cause and effect. Or simply call it life.
Either way, what has set the victors apart has usually been their keen instinctual ability to rise above the noise and find a way out ---- though at times it may seem impossible. Persevere….

Daily Life

How to "Give it All" in the Workplace

And still "keep your health"!!!

1.  Get a proper night’s sleep each night before going in to work.

Our brains function on sleep, and without the sufficient amounts, we tend to wid up cranky and beyond exhausted at our jobs. Pile on that the added stresses of an increasing workload, as the day goes by, and you’ve got a recipe for trouble in the making! But you can fix this now by going to bed earlier each night….

2.  Eat a strong, power-packed breakfast each morning before going in to work.

Milk, orange juice, eggs, sausage, yogurt, bananas, waffles, bagels, and much more, the breakfast menu is what it is for a reason ---- it’s full of great selections made to start you off “on the right foot” as you head out the door! Take your pick of anything that offers plenty of protein, carbs, vitamins and hydration, and try to stay away from consuming too much sugar in the mornings ---- especially if you wish to avoid the dreadful ‘sugar crash’ that notoriously makes its way around in the evenings. Many unknowing office employees have already fallen prey to its wilful schemes. Don’t fall for its trap! Be smarter….

3.  Make friends with your co-workers as is moderately possible.

When it comes to befriending your coworkers, your supervisors and managers, or even your boss, an old saying comes to mind, “Easy does it”. You don’t want to overdo it so as to intertwine the professional with the personal in a way that makes it difficult for you to separate the two. Yes, you can tell an appropriate joke here and there, during off hours in the break room, but remember the reason you are there. Your job comes first, so don’t put it on the line over a friendship!     

4.  Sign up at a nearby gym and let out some tensions there after each long workday.

This alone goes without saying that, in today’s high-stress work environments ---  be they online or otherwise --- work must properly balance itself with play, or else one will burn out the other to exhaustion. It’s always important to keep a proper balance between the two. This alone cannot be stressed enough.      

5.  Ask your boss if there is anything you can do to serve the company better.

Surprisingly, asking this sole question can open up many unique opportunities for you as an employee; for one, it will show greater initiative on your end as well as interest in the growing needs and overall well-being of the company you currently work for. Both of these are good signs of maturity and can lead potential upward progression within the ranks of the company. Assume the time is right, your work ethic has shown itself more than admirable, and there is an opening ---- and your boss might even promote you to a new position. Or you may even be rewarded some time off for your many efforts and for remaining so proactive. Ask, and you receive ---- and in terms of feedback, no matter now bad, learn from it with an open mind and consider implementing it as you plan on that near-future promotion or vacation.

Final Thoughts on All This “Mumbo Jumbo” : Don’t Stress, Pray Instead, Give from the Heart, and So Much More…

So consider our proven advice the next time you find yourself in a workplace pickle”. And remember to look up: The Good Lord has an answer for everything. So worry about nothing, and pray about everything; you will find that perfect balance.

Believe it, and you’ll receive it. All good things do come in time, and from the Father above, the true Giver of all gifts everywhere, the source from which every great thing first originates. To Him be all glory!

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Children's Stories

Oscar the Octopus and His Eight Awkward Arms

Oscar is a lonely little octo who has some crazy, out of control tentacles. His eight arms tend to make things awkward for him. Oscar wishes so badly he wasn’t such a bother to the other sea creatures but will he ever find the solution to his frustrating and seemingly hopeless situation? All his arms seem to do is cause harm…is there any way he can use them for good?