Family Life

Christmas Is Broken

Anyone else feel like Christmas has lost all it's magic? That ever since you "grew up" Christmas just feels like one big chore or heartbreak? Well me too!!! And I don't like it. I want my freaking magic back! I used to love Christmas! It was the best!


My brither, sister and I with our mom in front of the tree. 

Growing up, my mom always made Christmas super special. It is her all time favorite holiday which meant her joy for it was contagious.


She is so gifted when it comes to setting a mood in a home. One of the major things that set the tone as a kid was her love for Christmas music. In fact, now as an adult when Christmas time seems less special because of all the work and stress, turning on the music I would always hear as a kid brings back those magical feelings of Christmas.


For years, I have struggled to make Christmas just as special for my kids. I've tried to copy all the things my mother did. I've tried to make things perfect and if I didn't get that magical Christmas feeling, then I would start worrying that I will never measure up.


Things as simple as building a snowman matter to our kids. 

So I took some time to think back and I realized that my favorite parts of Christmas weren't because my mom made things "perfect".  It was the laughter while we watched each other opening gifts. It was the excitement on my siblings faces when they opened a gift I had put a lot of thought and time into. It was the cute silly names my mom and dad used to write on their gifts to each other. Oh and let's not forget how funny it was when my mom realized she forgot to wrap a gift and then watching her run down to the basement, spending 10min trying to find it and then apologizing for it not being wrapped. 😂 Mom, I just love you so much.


Those were the kind of moments that made Christmas beautiful. No cell phones going off. No rushing and running around. No perfection. Just time spent together with my family. True, authentic, joy filled, person to person, face to face connections.

Share to Facebook and remind your family and friends what they can do to make this Christmas truly memorable. #2018authenticitychallenge

So remember ladies, it's the little things that make Christmas special for our kids. They won't remember all the stress and hassle. They won't remember if everything isn't "just so". They'll remember the moments spent together as a family. They'll remember the smells and sounds. The beauty and wonder of the lights and those pesky elf on shelf shenannigans (that don't even have to be complicated). And of course, I can't leave out that they will remember the music (John Tesh Family Christmas-just sayin).

That's what brings magic to Christmas. That's what creates memories. That's how you bring a family just a little bit closer.

What were the little moments that made Christmas magical to you?