Write for us
We love collaborating with other talented writers. If you are interested in writing for us, please fill out the form below.
Fill out the form below with your creative idea about a specific topic we are looking for contributors on:
+ Short Story For Stuffed Animals
Type of Website Content: A cute, meaninful children's story
Word Count: 800-1500 words
Purpose of the Content:
- To entertain and delight children of all ages
- Encourage a deeper connection between parents, granparents, etc
- Personify our stuffed animal products in a creative way
- Teach a meaningful life lesson
- Entertain and inspire play with their new stuffed friend
Target Audience: Elementary aged children.
Style/Tone: Short story or fable, informal, charming, endearing, relatable
Please Include: A moral of the story at the end
Please Do NOT Include: Anything vulgar or violent. We would like this as kid friendly as possible.
Additional Guidelines: We will provide any needed photos or media to your original creation. This does not need to be in poem form.
+ The most meaningful gift you've ever received and why
A piece around 500 words that describes a memory in story form of one of the most meaningful gifts you have ever received.
+ Why you enjoy giving gifts to others
A piece around 500-800 words that discusses the reasons why you feel joy by giving, whether they are physical gifts or not. Tell a story as an example for why this is the case for you and whose life you touched.