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Unique Father's Day Gifts

A Few Ideas That are Most Marketed….

Get ahold of yourself: You CAN find the next great gift for when Father’s Day hits AGAIN! Plan it EARLY this time around!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peddle to the meddle ---- it’ll be Father’s Day again in less than a year, and you know what that means!!!! Start planning NOW. It’s never a bad time to learn from the good, the bad, and the ugly of this last year’s turnout: Observe the reaction on Dad’s face as he opened his present, and decide whether you can “do better” next year. And, believe it or not, the next couple of months after Father’s Day are the PERFECT time to buy him your gift for NEXT YEAR as this is the time in which all Father’s Day sales items go into “reduced clearance mode” in nearly every physical store, and even online! Betcha didn’t think of that, did ya?    

And the best part is this: Most providers, in their desperate attempt to make room for their other inventory and other upcoming holidays, will make EVERY attempt to sell, sell, sell what’s currently in stock. And as a consumer, this can work out in YOUR favor as you can even get up to “90% off” in clearances on certain Father’s Day gifts ---- what I usually do is buy my gift, early and at its lowest price, then SAVE it for next year. And I always get my father something unique that I didn’t get him last time ---- this keeps the excitement going since I know he’s always thrilled when he opens the package! “Surprise him every time!” That’s MY motto….

Anyhoo, have a look at some of the following suggestions as well. They cover this special day from numerous angles. I’m sure that, out of all the varied advice offered below, there’s bound to be something that sticks…..

Try a gift guide for once.

Be original in this. Is money an issue? Comb through some of your current products or services; there’s got to be something you can put together. “Go DIY” and catch him off guard with something great!!!

How about something ‘tangible’?

People like to hand things to others: It’s a fact. And people love to be handed something even more. So toy with this notion and see where it gets you….

Appeal to the Father directly.

Think about it: What do fathers like? What ---- or who, should I say ---- makes a father a father?

Who was the first Father ever? Why not begin there and take some advice from the very best Book, written by Him, on the matter. You’ll be surprised at the wealth of rich information you can find… when trying to appeal to the father side, go to the Source.       

Have you considered “getting digital” with your SEO?

Store ads never hurt, but don’t ignore the digital aspect that poses many opportunities as well. It’s now a known fact that MOST people begin ONLINE when it comes to doing all their holiday shopping, and search engines are the FIRST STOP they make. They usually browse what’s trending, by topic, and go from there; you can do the same! Thank God for search engine results, am I right? Try typing in “Father’s Day”, “gifts for dad”, etc., to see what tends to show up most….

Social media holds many secrets! Tap into a few…

Social media networks, for instance, are a growing place to flock to when it comes to increasing your awareness (and that of others)….about this special day, about how much you love your father, and more. Share with the whole family, and with some friends, too, to see how many likes and shares your post can get ---- it’s a great way to honor Dad. Post pictures and other memories, to your heart’s delight, while you’re at it; get nothing but creative!

Get those ‘creative’ juices flowing with a few of these original marketing ideas….   

-For the dad who has everything, what can you really buy? Websites and stores can simplify the process for their customers significantly by offering gift guides and selections tailored to the male parent. There’s something there he may not have…. 

-Many already give free gift wrapping, so do your wrapping there --- or have them do this for you for that ‘extra special little touch’!  

-Create your very own Father’s Day event in which children, for example, may visit and select an item for their fathers; consider offering special discounts or reduced-price selections toward making any purchase. 

-Honor all customers who are fathers with a free item, gift card or coupon as a way to say, “Thank you for your contribution to our future generations….” You could even host events and games just for your father (and for other fathers, too….).

And a few ways to honor your father DIFFERENTLY the next time around….

-Pick a few “genres” you KNOW he’ll be interested in, such as gifts in relation to sports, outdoor grilling or camping. Or perhaps you could try something in the way of music, books, or even business reads.

-Try taking Dad out to ACTUAL DINNER this time instead of the usual Father’s Day BRUNCH. It’s good to mix it up every now and then so that things don’t become “repetitive routine” every year. Or try cooking your Dad’s favorite dish, not failing to add his favorite drinks in there as well. There’s literally INFINITE ways you can do this to make it unique, so play around with it!  

-How about a Father’s Day Pinterest board with your dad’s photos and accomplishments posted to it, along with his favorite quotes? This touches back on the idea of social media engagement. Make your dad feel like he’s a special person with a unique place in the world! You can even hire a photographer to take some new, updated pictures of him (or of you and him together) to put up on the board --- the possibilities are endless! Or how about crafting a “Dad’s Survival Kit” of your very own, filled with stuff you KNOW he uses to get through his stressful days with some degree of sanity…..

Top ways in which OTHERS also market this special day “to their audiences”....  

1.  Offering free shipping!

Nothing beats free shipping --- let’s face it --- especially when it comes to buying multiple items at a time. It’s a great way to bundle and save. So if you run a business of your own, consider doing the same as it applies to marketing Father’s Day and potentially drawing in some new traffic --- even more of the same buyers. But if you’re a consumer like myself, learn a little bit about how these business work and, more importantly, how they market to their audiences ---- in this case, dads and the everyday Father’s Day shopper. So yes, free shipping is a ‘biggie’ when it comes to saving and getting a great present delivered right to your door!   

2.  Using catchy email ‘subject lines’ that TELL and SELL!

The first line of any unopened email, aka the “subject line”, is often the only thing that will determine whether the recipient in question will either OPEN or DELETE; it’s just that simple. So if you’re an advertiser on Father’s day, you want to HOOK your target audience reader FROM LINE 1! And if you’re looking for a present for Dad, as the typical consumer, you want to be aware of this great marketing tactic nonetheless --- while you’re at it, why not subscribe to a few of your favorite stores’s online newsletters so you can get some great offers on Father’s Day markdown prices, all in your inbox, for when that season arises again! It’s a good way to be prepared and not miss out. It only happens once a year!!!!

3.  Holding specialized sales events targeted toward the repeat buyer!

“10% off your total purchase, plus a $5 gift card” sounds like a nice little deal to offer to first-timers, does it not? And IF YOU’RE THE BUYER, it should appeal no less, right? A deal is a deal….  

A few great brand products sure to make Daddy smile!

Dove Men + Care Products

A brand and a product that has cared about fathers for many decades now, this male-adult top-seller is a special one. So check it out. Nothing to lose, much to gain.


Cheerios is a product that supports a healthy and strong male heart, especially for adults 40 and over. Just watch one of its commercials, often featuring a father and son eating a bowl together. It’s bound to create great moments worth remembering ---- even years later.

Lineup Products from DICK’S Sporting Goods

With a highly respected corporate reputation and a sales stream revenue that has already surpassed in millions, DICK’S Sporting Goods continues to deliver fine products at reasonable rates, and that’s why people love to shop there. The business is always giving away free coupons and clearance deals on all its inventory, whether one shops online or in-store. Every day is a great one at DICK’S!

Hotels by Courtyard/NFL

“Father’s day smiles delivered by their kids” is but only one touching example of the many good forms of propaganda that Courtyard and the NFL have collaborated on. They believe in the importance of parenting for the next generation; it all begins with having a father in the first place. These two businesses also partner to support countless other family-friendly values, and it shows well in their advertising: Not only are their views and ratings rising in the thousands, but so is their overall influence in the long run. People remember these commercials --- it pays to be a winner   

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