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Your Undivided Time and Attention

How Generously Giving These Two Can be the Best Gift You Give….

If you run a physical store or even your own online business, why not also try offering special product/service combos, at discounted rates, based on individual purchases? Now there’s a start! Spread the word that finding a unique gift for YOUR LOVED ONE does matter!

But might I suggest something else, as well, perhaps something EVEN MORE IMPORTANT!

How ‘bout an intangible gift, one that money can’t buy, this time around? How ‘bout something yet as equally precious as money, something so special it should never be wasted? Have you guessed what that might be yet? If you guessed time, then you are halfway correct, for the other precious gift to go along with it is attention. And these two can go hand-in-hand, like melted butter on a warm bagel after a long, foodless fast ----- descriptive, but you get the idea.

Your undivided time and attention are, when you think about it, a real treasure.

Your time is precious to you, is it not? Of course it is: You’re living in the twenty-first century! And I’m sure you’ve heard it said more than once, “Time is money, so waste neither!!!!” It’s true ---- when you waste one, whether you want to or not, you ---- by default ---- waste the other. And giving your time and attention to something/someone else is choosing to give a bit of your best ‘working capital’….

Your undivided time and attention are, when you think about it, an investment.

This can apply itself in a unique and special way to the everyday work situation, so that’s where I plan to go with this next thought…..go there with me for a second. When you invest in your employees, for example ---- by hearing them out, contributing to their work-life balance, ergonomic office support, task success, and so much more ---- you are, in fact, contributing to yourself in the end. What they receive from you will bear fruit, some two-fold, some ten-fold, some twenty-fold, and you get the picture: Think of it as one of the most amazing, twenty-first century “healthy-selfish ways to give to yourself, without others even realizing it!”

Your undivided time and attention are, when you think about it, a joyous risk.

Think about this as well ---- whenever you invest, in anyone or anything at all, you are laying yourself on the line and taking a risk, which hopefully, does not come back to “bite you in the royal rear” later on. Or, let’s at least hope the bite doesn’t hurt too much….some rubbing alcohol and a good bandaid should help.

But all joking aside, that’s also part of the beauty of the whole thing. There is beauty in the unknown, beauty in the mystery ----- what if that investment does become the one that forever changes your life and outlook on it altogether? That thought alone encapsulates me with the greatest notion of joy imaginable, and I know it does for several others as well, and that is why we do what we do.

Your undivided time and attention are, when you think about it, everything.

It’s been said by a very wise man that, with respect to whatever your time and attention gravitate most to every day, there is where your heart and its deepest treasures truly lie. This can be good or bad. Be careful where you place the majority of your time and attention. Feed it with the positive ---- in terms of people, places, activities, and even diet. Here lie all the important issues of life, so don’t overlook this “seemingly small matter”....   

Final thoughts on “all this Mumbo Jumbo”: Don’t stress, pray instead, give from the heart, and more….

So consider this proven advice the next time you find yourself in a precious push for your time and attention”. And remember to look up: The Good Lord has an answer for everything. So worry about nothing, and pray about everything; you will find success there. Believe it, and you’ll receive it. All good things do come at the proper time, and from the Father above, the true source from which every blessing first originates.  

[Need some great ideas to get your summer “kicked off” in the right direction? Check out our latest 2018 Summer Challenge, a place where you can get a few inspirational ideas ---- not failing to bring some encouragement to your day all along the way ---- helping you make the most of this wonderful season. It only comes around once a year, so take advantage!]

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